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AP sneaker is a young team of sneakerheads who want to reach the sneaker stage from the street. Europe's original marketplace for trading exclusive sneakers. Since 2020, AP sneaker has established itself as one of the biggest platform for the purchase and sell of authentic products. AP sneaker employs a young team of authentication experts who, after many years of experience, know a fake when they see one. We try to offer not only buyers but also sellers the optimal platform for their passion. See you soon & welcome at AP sneaker fam! Learn More

Our authentication officers are experts in their field. Extensive hours are spent researching counterfeits/replicas and countless comparisons are made between genuine and the latest high-quality replicas/counterfeits. Each of our items goes through a multi-step authentication process, using the appropriate and relevant method and technique for the item in question to determine its authenticity. Only items that are deemed 100% authentic are shipped to buyers. Learn More

Product Details

 Style FQ2942-100
Retail  $140
Release Date 03/22/2024

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