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Product Details

 Style DJ0950-103
Retail  $180
Release Date 08/09/2021

Product Description

The ''Nike Dunk Low Off-White Lot 40'' offers a collaboration between the world-renowned sneaker company and Virgil Abloh’s high-end fashion house. The result is a classic silhouette reconfigured with eclectic flourishes.

The ''Off-White x Nike Dunk Low-Top Lot 40'' begins with tumbled white leather forming the base of the upper. Pale gray suede forms the side-panel Nike Swoosh and the overlays that adorn the heel, collar, eyestays, vamp, and toe cap. The tongue is light orange with exposed foam and matches the insole, while white laces match the padded collar and sock liner. A sail-colored foam midsole sits atop a gray rubber outsole with the classic Nike Dunk traction pattern.

What we love most about this sneaker are the colorful touches. Red rope laces crisscross asymmetrically over the upper; an orange zip tie and tag affix to the laces; a black Helvetica script adorns the suede overlays; and the collar sports a lime green tab. Since only 40 pairs were made, "40 of 50" branding appears on a red rubber midsole tag. The 'Nike Dunk Low Off-White Lot 40'' was launched on August 9, 2021, for $180 retail.

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