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Product Details

 Style FW3043
Retail  $220
Release Date 09/21/2019


The ''adidas Yeezy Boost 350 V2 Cloud White (Non-Reflective)'' combines shades of cream and bluish-white to recreate the hue of a fluffy cloud. A hard sole offers a contrast to the elastic shoelaces and knitted fabric upper. Instead of separate overlays, the upper has the appearance of a single stitched-together piece. One side of the sneaker offers a transparent strip, and the other highlights the blue-and-white patterns. The ''adidas Yeezy Boost 350 V2 Cloud White (Non-Reflective)'' uses Primeknit to create a woven textile appearance.

''adidas Yeezy Boost 350 V2 Cloud White (Non-Reflective)'' released in September of 2019 and retailed for $220.

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